French Polynesia – Fakarava

Last but not least Fakarava was scheduled. When we arrived our welcome committee – Charlot and Florian – were already awaiting us. We met them a few days ago we on Tikehau. Going for a 9km bike ride to see the lagoons in the north without seeing anyone is normal on Fakarava. The way was gesäumt by palm trees. Unfortunately the snorkeling at the northern tip of the Motu wasn’t as nice as expected (bad visibility) but the beach totally made up for it.

Last day we got entertained by huge nurse sharks, black tips and sting rays eating fish directly on the shore next to Relais Marama (our lodge). While snorkeling Niels (my beloved boyfriend) wanted to kill me. Standing in the water with a perfect sight of what was going on he directed me straight to one of the huge nurse sharks. Thus the shark and I met eye in eye only 30 centimeters apart in the shallow water (I could see all of his teeth). Luckily the shark seem to be even more scared of me than I was of him: he immediately turned and swam of to the open water.

Lagoon at the northern tip of the Motu (next 6)01

02 03 04 05 06

No one here?07

Eva is there! Picking coconuts (just next to the only street)08 09

Our bungalow at Relaise Marama10 11 12

Enjoying our last day with nurse sharks and sting rays 13 14-01 14-02 15 16

3 thoughts on “French Polynesia – Fakarava

  1. Nilakimou,

    Wie geil seid ihr denn drauf? Und ich hab mich schon gewundert warum ihr Euch nicht aus Alonissos gemeldet habt den Sommer….
    Enjoy it und genießt weiterhin Euren unvergessliche Weltreise!!!!

  2. @ Eva & Nilaki:
    Ihr 2 seid echt der Hammer!!!
    Ich google grad wo Ihr seit :-))) das ist mal sowas von cool, respect.
    lg, Vassimou

    • Hey Vassi alte Hütte,

      jo ist wirklich extrem nice in Französisch Polynesien. Sind jetzt schon in Australien, hängen nen Monat hinterher…

      Wann treffen wir dich denn in Asien?


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