The worlds most dangerous road is the old road between La Paz and Coroico. An average of 26 vehicles every year went down the edge, hence a new road was built in 2007. The old road is now mainly used by cyclists who want to enjoy the 64 km long and 3.600 meter (from 4800 to 1200) descent ride. The first 20 km are on a paved road where you regularly overtake other vehicles. It was a very good warm up for what was to come: the real death road – unsealed, narrow (around 2-3 m wide), cliffs with drops up to 600 m and only a few safety barriers. Eva didn’t feel 100% comfortable because of all the stones and the slipping bike. We speeded down the road but had quite some safety stops. The surrounding landscape was unreal once more. At the starting point mountains were covered in snow and it was freezing cold. Reaching the lowest point of the trip at around 1.200m above sea level rainforest-like vegetation came up including humming birds and mosquitos.

The day was a great adventure!

Starting point with snow covered mountainsP1330034 P1330036 P1330068

One of the several crashed cars down in the valleyP1330073

Overtaking on the first part/paved road

Starting point of the unsealed and narrow part P1330110

Looking stupid while posing for the cameraP1330174
P1330124 P1330175P1330210

And more group picsP1330135 P1330181 P1330213

We survived the death road 😉P1330261


  1. gut, daas ihr mich nicht mitgehabt habt 🙂

  2. ihr seid verrückt! schön dass ihr gut angekommen seid :’)

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