Buenos Aires

Visiting Buenos Aires

Right after arriving in Buenos Aires the first highlight awaited us: the cozy apartment of our Airbnb host Martin. Its perfectly located in the district of Recoleta, which offers lots of bars, Cafés and green spaces. The first night we met Cynthia who was visiting her family in BA for a nice dinner and chatted till late night.

For the next days we had a long list of sights to visit. Most people recommended the cemetery (?!?). Also it is listed in the lonely planet as a must-see. Honestly, we were more than skeptical. But it turned out everyone was absolutely right about the cemetery – its crazy. Some of the tombs are big like houses. Most of them are build out of marble. Words can’t really describe this place.

Another highlight was Puerto Madero – Buenos Aires copy of the Hamburg Harbour City ;). To be honest, its bigger, seems to be even more modern and hosts more bars / restaurants than the Hamburg Harbour City. Especially Niels liked the area a lot. However, this was not the real highlight of that day. The evening should await us with what all of us now call their best dinner ever! “Parrilla Pena” – the place where dreams come true! Bife de lomo (tenderloin) and bife de chorizo (rump steak) as big as a very large male hand, at least two finger thick and so tasty, people start to cry J On top the waiter is super friendly, super fast and super passionate about what he does. An absolute must-do in Buenos Aires. Oh and just by the way, the food and drinks are cheap – very cheap – the starters are even for free! To finish off a perfect day we went for a bar after dinner, just to find out 2 hrs later that we actually ended up in the most famous gay bar in BA.

Look who we found, someone who did NOT win the world cup!P7240492

IMG_20140725_143750 IMG_20140725_144630

Buenos Aires Harbour City!IMG_1512IMG_20140725_165655 IMG_20140725_172501

Best steak ever (seriously, by far!)

We ate it all (best meal ever!) IMG_20140726_211029

Best grill ever!IMG_20140726_212209

Best waiter ever in the Parrilla Peña!IMG_20140725_205602

Some impressions of the cemeteryP7240462

Some graves are big like houses.P7240478 P7240484 P7240487

Our cozy apartmentIMG_1490

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