French Polynesia – Rangiroa

It is the biggest atoll in the Tuamotus and the second biggest in the world. The atoll’s coral belt consists of hundreds of small island no more than 300m wide but they stretch along a circuit for more than 200km. In total the atoll measures 75 km from east to west and 25 km from north to south.

Rangiroa is famous for its great diving especially sharks and dolphins are a big attraction. Eva dived one morning in the Tiputa pass where it is almost certain to see sharks and dolphins who frequently come to the divers and play around them. But she wasn´t lucky. She had a nice dive with sharks and many other fish but the dolphins kept distance and she could barely see them.

A typical scene in French Polynesia: A fishermen chopped freshly caught Mahi-Mahi. Even for us (newbie fish eaters) it looked fantastic. We couldn’t resist and bought 1 kg without an idea how to cook it. The wife of the fishermen gave us her favorite recipe. The outcome were 3 great meals of Mahi Mahi marinated in lemon and cooked with self made coconut milk.

One afternoon we took the bikes and went from one side of the Motu to the other side which takes about 45 mins (8km) to see the dolphins jumping in the waves. The rest of the time we relaxed a lot, improved our skills in open coconuts and learned how to make coconut milk.

Perfectly opened coconut01

Niels is improving his coconut opening skills02

The fishermen chopped his freshly caught Mahi-Mahi next to our lodge04

Before … (1 kg = ~8,50 €!!!)05

… and after 06

Lesson how to make coconut milk.07

Small black tip sharks directly infront of our lodge08

Niels is enjoying his time in our “garden” while Eva is diving10

Views of our lodge and garden11 12 13-01IMG_5726 13-02

Goodbye Rangiroa14


  1. ich fasse es nicht, ihr alten Hamburger seid endlich fischesser geworden! sensationell 🙂

  2. Thorsten & Karli

    Hallo Eva,

    Karli und ich möchten Dir ganz herzlich zum Geburtstag gratulieren!

    Wir lesen Euren Blog regelmäßig und wir freuen uns immer, wenn ihr wieder etwas neues schreibt. Die Bilder finden wir ganz toll. Karli war letzte Woche auch tauchen, mit Schnorchel auf Kreta. Fische konnte man da auch sehen, aber die waren viel kleiner. Dort gab es auch Palmen und es war sehr schön.

    Euch weiterhin viel Spaß
    Thorsten und Karli

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