World Cup Final – 13 th of july 2014 – Maracana Stadium

Yes we have been in the stadium, yes we have seen the German national team win the World Championship, yes it was amazing, awesome or what ever other superlative you could possibly think of! But lets start at the beginning…

Besides Neymar every single Brazilian was cheering for Germany before the game. Brazilians were even more friendly than they have been the last days (as far as that’s possible). But there have also been way above 100.000 Argentinians reported by officials in Rio de Janeiro at the day of the finals. They were everywhere and not all of them have been friendly towards Brazilians 😉 Most of the German fans met up at the northern end of Copacabana. From there we walked together to the next metro station, taking the train to the stadium. The atmosphere on the way and in the stadium was amazing. I guess everyone has seen the game itself, so no words will be lost about the ref, two yellow cards in the first half, off-side goals and so on. Lets put it that way: we nearly died 😛

IMG_20140713_204225IMG_20140715_112930 IMG_20140713_135516

Making friends with some agentinianIMG_20140713_140042IMG_2188 IMG_20140713_142701

Meeting with with my colleague Maik IMG_20140713_151806 IMG_20140713_184413

Long after the gameIMG_20140713_194955

There is nothing more to say…IMG_20140713_194427


  1. Den 8. Juli 2018 solltet Ihr Euch schon mal im Kalender anstreichen. Zur Titelverteidigung in Moskau wollen wir doch schließlich wieder vor Ort sein, oder? 🙂

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