Canyoneering in La Fortuna

This morning the pick-up for canyoneering arrived early. You’re asking what canyoneering is? Basically, the same activity than climbing a mountain but in opposite direction. It is about going down a canyon on a rope. In the lush rainforests around Costa Rica’s Arenal Volcano, three waterfall awaited us. The first one was just 8 m and a good preparation for what’s to come. The next waterfalls were both round about 70 m (!) of heights. It seems to be an stupid idea to go down a waterfall that high, but thanks to the concept of “group pressure” everyone did so. As soon as you are going over the edge and amazing experience awaits you: bouncing down a waterfall. In between the waterfalls we had to hike through the beautiful rainforest.

As a reward to ourselves for being brave we went into town and had the best Costarican coffee and cakes ever.

Lets get started!IMG_2662

Niels going down the waterfallIMG_2681 IMG_2852 IMG_2862

View from the top: the third waterfallIMG_2880

Canyoneering is fun IMG_2925 IMG_2935

Eva was nearly washed away by the waterfall while climbingIMG_2961

Our reward after the canyoneeringIMG_20140605_172412IMG_20140605_162121IMG_20140605_162336

One Comment

  1. Gipsnacken

    Dein Klettergeschirr sieht aber nicht gerade prickelnd für deine cojones aus.
    Was macht denn deien Stimmlage jetzt so nach dem canyoneering?

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