Tissamaharama/ Yala National Park - are we still in Sri Lanka or is it Africa already?
Another day of getting up way before sunrise to increase the likelihood of seeing Leopards during our safari. And it was absolutely worth it!!! We saw almost everything one can wish for: water buffalos, mongoose, elephants and of course leopards. To be precise, a leopard mother with her cub wanted to cross the road and therefore walked a whole mile next to the street so that we could see them all the time. At some point they were only around 8 meters away. We were super impressed by her actual size and beauty.
It's amazing how diverse Sri Lanka is. Let's see how the beaches will be in the south west 😉
For someone who loves animals this part of our journey was very special - who could that be? 😉
We expected to see a lot - but the amounts of elephants was breath taking
This is the famous elephant rock...
And of course there were also some monkeys. This little fellow was very interested in us
We also saw quite some interesting birds - however both of us are not the biggest bird lovers so we rather focused on other animals
Found bambi...
And there he was! Our first leopard. Directly next to the car..
And since leopard need to feed on something - there are also some buffalos 😉
And I guess another item on the menu: a wild boar
This little fellow might not be high on the list of "to eat": a mongoose
Crocodiles might be eaten by leopard every now and than (as we learned) but most of the time these 2 fight for their pray
The secret king of the jungle...