What is there to say about Playa del Carmen? Lust and vice everywhere! I guess god turned his back on this place - luckily he did: the parties are amazing! CocoBongo is one of the most famous clubs in the area and we got to found out why. Besides the fact that you get all drinks for free they have a fantastic show which starts at 11 pm and goes onto the early morning. Well I guess that’s what you get for 70 USD p.P. (+ 30 USD p.P. for a table 😉 A great show with flying acrobats, ballons, confetti and much more... Whats Mallorca for germans its Playa del Carmen for americans On my bucket-list: snorkeling with whale-sharks Whales-sharks are a slow-moving filter feeding sharks and the largest known fish species (yes the largest! They can grow up to over 14 m (46 ft) with a weight of around 30 tons!). They have a lifespan of about 70 years and they feed mainly on plankton. But enough facts for now. After a one hour boat ride from Cancun we spotted the first whale-shark. Suddenly our guide told us to jump in the water and within seconds we and Dina were swimming towards something we only new from documentaries. Directly 2 meters in front of us the whale shark mouth appeared and scared us to death – those animals are massive! We swam next to it for a while before it disappeared in the widths of the ocean. Two more times we got the opportunity to snorkel with whale-sharks before we left the area heading of for a lunch stop at “Isla de Mujeres” where we enjoyed lunch in the fantastic water. Party at Playa del Carmen
Snorkling with Whale-Sharks
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Lunchbreak at Isla Mujeres