
Impressions of Copán

After another long travel day we arrived in Copán/Honduras. Copán is famous for the Mayan ruins which are fascinating and unique among Mayan cities. Declared a World Heritage site by the UNESCO in 1980, Copán contains some of the most important Mayan ruins found to date, and many unusual artistic features. But it is also a charming and relaxing place with really good coffee places 😉

Of course we did a guided-tour exploring the Mayan ruins and learned more about the culture, history and the mysterious disappearance of this creative civilization. Learning about the mayas numerals: The numerals are made up of three symbols; zero (shell shape, with the plastron uppermost), one (a dot) and five (a bar). The powers of twenty are numerals, just as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system uses powers of tens. Our guide was amazing, he knew everything about the Mayans and we walked through grassy plazas filled with intricately carved and decorated monuments, statues and staircases. Huge carved faces stare at us from ancient walls, but see your self.

After our history and culture lessons it was time for some relaxation. Therefore, we all went for the local hot springs in the jungle which are an one hour drive from Copán. The drive was an experience itself: sitting in the back of a pick-up truck on a very bumpy road through the jungle and some local villages.

Impressions of the Maya RuinsIMG_20140618_083932

The parrots welcomed us in the Copán RuinsPapageiIMG_20140618_103042IMG_1586 IMG_1589 IMG_1601IMG_20140618_103133

Inside one of the ruinsIMG_1612 IMG_1614 IMG_1616 IMG_1619IMG_1620

The picture showes the number 2014.IMG_20140618_105139IMG_20140618_110230IMG_20140618_112337IMG_1624 IMG_1631 IMG_1645 IMG_1647

Kids playing on the main square of CopánIMG_3140IMG_20140618_081818 IMG_20140618_142412IMG_3238IMG_20140617_203359

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